A little over a week ago I went to a friend's house to take some shots of her daughter, Sarah Grace, who was just over 18 months old. Anna, Sarah's mom, warned me that I better eat my Wheaties because Sarah was going to be a tough nut to crack.
"Ha!" I thought. "Children love me! I'm charming and funny!" and off I went.
Well, Sarah Grace took one look at me and was quite wary. Perhaps she believed her mother was leaving her alone with this stranger who had crazy hair and was trying to get her to smile. Sarah Grace was having NONE of me!
She cried and clung to Anna but soon she started to realize her mom was not leaving her and therefore she started to open up to me. Sarah began to show me her toys, the fact that she could walk on the couch, hug her dog Bella, and give Bella treats. We were laughing and taking pictures and she was pleased to see how pretty she looked on the screen of the camera.
When she opened up to me she was nothing but smiles and dimples. Her beautiful creamy skin, bright blue eyes, and blonde curled hair was just darling! After playing for almost an hour she showed me her bedroom, the bathroom, her hat, and her mad phone skills! She was hilarious! I'm glad that we got along so well- the photos show that!
It was my pleasure to photograph Sarah Grace- what a character she is under that coy exterior!!
Thanks Anna for trusting me with your most darling daughter!!