Sunday, May 18, 2008

A New Addition

Well, it should be said at the start that my mother is a bad influence. When I play hookie and we go out, I usually come home with a new camera, car, or animal. On our way to thrifting, we stopped at a pet store and made a bee line to the puppies. Immediately we saw, shuffling around in the top crate, a pug puppie. Oh! We gasped and clasped our hands! "Can we see him?" we asked the employee. This little pug came out to us and took right to sneezing and wheezing and loving on us. I knew right then that I was in trouble. He was a love. Weighing in at 4.9 pounds of playful this 8 week old pug had stolen my heart.

My mother and I walked out of the store with this boy in our arms and in our hearts!

When I got home, I was a bit worried that it would take Mark some time to warm up to him (Mark wanted an English bull dog). But, I was wrong! You could see right away that this little darling swept Mark away as well!

Now came the incredible challenge of naming him. We searched online for names and tried on the ones we liked. Mark and I were calling out names to see what he would respond to. This list included.... Murphy, Butch, Jack, Tater, Ike, and the list went on.... and then it came to us... OTIS!!!

So, our darling little tyke is named Otis and he fills up this house with a spunky kind of energy that Rascal and Henry (our cats) couldn't create. He has me up 4-5 times a night with his crying and begging to be freed from his crate- which I refuse to do. Otis loves to bite our toes, shoe laces, and nip at the cats but he is incredible and has the desire to do nothing but love and amuse us.

Though I believe my mother is a bad influence (we've already had a laugh about this) I thank her for opening our world up to this little guy!


Anonymous said...

I love Otis!
I'm surprised we didn't think of that one at the house.
He's adorable...
BIG lover.

Anonymous said...

what an adorable pic of OTIS! May you enjoy all that wet, noisy pug puppy love for many, many years!

By the way, we ARE going shopping Friday....what do you suppose we'll get next??? LOL

Anonymous said...

Love the new addition to your family! He's so darn cute, welcome to parenthood, your life will NEVER be the same teehee. If you ever need a sitter or walker, the Binbek girls are ready for action!
Have a wonderful summer and I look forward to hanging out soon and I can't wait for your especially perfect day in October!

Much love,
Donna B. aka Pourgrl01