Thursday, March 27, 2008


Hi there everyone!

Well, let me tell you, yesterday I went to my friend Sara's house to take photos of her darling daughter, Lily. This kid is beautiful!! She comes from good, Irish stock and it shows.

She's got a little bit of hair which will be beautiful and red! Her eyes are a crisp blue and her skin is alabaster. She gets that from Sara. Everything else is Aaron. Sara jokes that when Lily is up on Aaron's shoulder it looks like he has two heads. Lily is off the charts tall- her dad is well over six feet and Sara eeks past five feet. Trying to take a picture of them together is always quite a challange- his head is usually chopped off or she's missing part of her chin.
Anyhow, I've included a picture of this little lass! Isn't she beautiful?

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