Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring Break!

So, today is the first day of Spring Break!! To those of you who are teachers, you understand the reverence we have for this phrase. To those of you who are parents, perhaps you're on the other end of this. We shout in jubilation, "Horray! Ten happy days!"
Here's how Thursday morning goes:
1. The alarm goes off
2. We linger in bed for a few minutes
3. We roll over (and here's the good part) we turn off the alarm- knowing full well that we won't hear it again for TEN DAYS
4. Get out of bed and continue our daily routine
5. Pray that the day goes off without a hitch and continue to look at the clock on the wall wondering why it's moving so slowly. Never have you wished time to hurry forward (well, at least since Winter Break)
6. Walk out at the end of the day, wish everyone a happy rest, get in your car and drive home. Perhaps you didn't even bring work home with you- Bless your heart! (I know I didn't!!)

The best is yet to come....
Here's how Friday goes:
1. You get up when you want!
2. You do what you want when you want to do it!!
3. There is no one nagging you, "Ms. Donnelly, tell Evan to give me my pencil back!" or "Ms. Donnelly, Jasmine is threatening to beat me up after school. Tell her to stop." or "Ms. Donnelly, Phillip breathed on my food and now I can't eat it. Tell him to stop!" You get the point...
I teach 8th grade. But now, I am just Sarah. No Ms. Donnelly for the next 10 days!!
4. Enjoy each quiet moment we have!

Spoiler- to those of you with children, perhaps you don't get to participate in the quiet, sleeping in, restful, no complaining days that childless or empty nester teachers have... sorry to offend!

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